braydough bunch

We are a Canadian family-run company. Lisa (mom), Chris (daughter) and Steph (other daughter) make up the Braydough Bunch.

If we had to describe us in two words, we would say "breakfast enthusiasts". 

We love all things b r e a k f a s t.

Marian Thompson, mom of four, and Nana to many, loved breakfast too. She's our inspiration. You see, she had this homemade pancake recipe. It was handwritten in cursive with rips and stains all over the page. By looking at it, you knew it was a well-loved recipe.  And loved it was. These pancakes were enjoyed on birthdays, first day of school, holidays, and countless lazy Sundays.

When she passed, her pancakes lived on.

We started this company to share recipes straight from our family vault - why? because we hope they spark as much joy as Nana's pancakes did for our family. 

- l i s a , c h r i s  &  s t e p h